God Is Bigger Bible Reading Summary Week 1

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"Mama, how big is God?" "Bigger than the sky. He's bigger than the mountains. He's even bigger than the ocean." Do you need the reminder that God is bigger than whatever you are facing today? Join us for week 1 summary!

Welcome to the God Is Bigger Bible Reading Summary Week 1! If this is your first time here, each month we read through a Bible reading plan together. This month we are focused on the topic  that God Is Bigger than anything we are going through. So what is it that you need to remember God is bigger than?

Every Friday we meet here to summarize what we learned for the week. If you are reading along, I’d love to hear from you throughout the week as well, using the hashtag #GodIsBigger.

You probably noticed it was a bit quiet around here this week. I spend a few days at the beach with my family; the photos you see below are all gifts the Lord gave us while we were absent from our usual midwest terrain. What a week of study I had! I felt like the Lord met me so graciously each day as I read the Scripture.

Job 26:1-6

Job is known as the man who continued to be faithful to God in spite of all the bad that happened to him. His book in the Bible is full of thought-provoking language. In this chapter, Job is answering his friend’s statements from the previous chapter. The question I pondered the most from this section is: Whose breath has come out from you? Such a great question.

Job 26:7-14

Verse 9 provided more thought at the end of the day… “He covers the face of the full moon and spreads over it his cloud.” On this night, he chose not to cover the full moon, but give me the privilege of seeing it. This photo doesn’t do it justice at all. It was breathtaking.


Moon over ocean. #GodIsBigger

By his power he stilled the sea...Behold, these are but the outskirts of his ways, and how small a whisper do we hear of him! But the thunder of his power who can understand?” From Job 26:7-14. Today I will examine less whys and embrace more of his ways. #GodIsBigger
By his power he stilled the sea…Behold, these are but the outskirts of his ways,
and how small a whisper do we hear of him! But the thunder of his power who can understand?” From Job 26:7-14. Today I will examine less whys and embrace more of his ways. Because God is bigger.

Psalm 147:1-9

Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure...He covers the heavens with clouds. From Psalm147:1-9 . He does all this and is all this yet he cares enough to heal the broken-hearted and bind up their wounds. The One who tends to the sea is tender to you and me. Whatever you are facing today #GodIsBigger

Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure…He covers the heavens with clouds. From Psalm147:1-9 . He does all this and is all this yet he cares enough to heal the broken-hearted and bind up their wounds. The One who tends to the sea is tender to you and me. Whatever you are facing today,#GodIsBigger.

Psalm 147:10-20

Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure...He covers the heavens with clouds. From Psalm147:1-9 . He does all this and is all this yet he cares enough to heal the broken-hearted and bind up their wounds. The One who tends to the sea is tender to you and me. Whatever you are facing today #GodIsBigger

We have a tendency to run. To use our own strength and make others think “wow.” To search for solutions and research results. But oh how limited we are. “His delight is not in the strength of the horse, nor his pleasure in the legs of a man,” Truly when we realize our limitations and recognize his unlimited power then we know that #GodIsBigger than whatever solution we can muster . “but the LORD takes pleasure in those who fear him, in those who hope in his steadfast love.” Psalm 147:9-14 

Job 37:1-5

"God thunders wondrously with his voice; he does great things that we cannot comprehend."I heard a little thunder last night, even in my sleep, it woke me up. What if we let the thunder of his voice awake is to the fact that #GodIsBigger ? Job 37:1-5 #biblereading

“God thunders wondrously with his voice; he does great things that we cannot comprehend.”I heard a little thunder last night, even in my sleep, it woke me up. What if we let the thunder of his voice awake is to the fact that God really is bigger? Job 37:1-5 

I've never seen a rainbow this bright! #GodIsBigger #nofilter

I snapped the above because I didn’t want to miss the brightest rainbow I’ve ever seen.


But my husband described his photo succinctly: “God gave us a little going home present today.”

Job 37:6-13

"He loads the thick cloud with moisture;the clouds scatter his lightning.They turn around and around by his guidance, to accomplish all that he commands them on the face of the habitable world. Whether for correction or for his land or for love, he causes it to happen." -- I read the last verse above , Job 37:13, several times. He corrects us, he sustains us, he loves us more than the clouds. His love and care for us is a beautiful reminder that whatever we are going through,#GodIsBigger .

“He loads the thick cloud with moisture;the clouds scatter his lightning.They turn around and around by his guidance, to accomplish all that he commands them on the face of the habitable world. Whether for correction or for his land or for love, he causes it to happen.” — I read the last verse above , Job 37:13, several times. He corrects us, he sustains us, he loves us more than the clouds. His love and care for us is a beautiful reminder that whatever we are going through, he truly is bigger.

I’d love to hear from you! What did God whisper to your heart as you read this week?


Print or screenshot to your smartphone the God Is Bigger reading plan!!


  1. God whispered in my heart that I can’t fall behind on my reading because He is bigger than anything else I am doing.

    1. Amen!!

  2. Praise God for the Bible Readings this week 🙂

    Our family experienced the pain and sadness of our Aunt who passed away this week. Though we are hurting we have the hope in seeing her again when Jesus returns.

    God is bigger than death!

  3. I am part of your Celebration Circle for your new book One More Step. It is amazing! I live with chronic pain and so needed the reminder that God Is Bigger than what I am going through. Thank you for letting God use you in your pain to help others.

    1. Bless you, Laurie- I am so glad you are enjoying both the book and the Bible reading plan!

  4. Reading Job 26:1 was a wonderful “slap” to my face. In the past I have faced many things that I thought “how could I ever get thru this,” but God saw me through it. Now with the uncertainty of whether I will find work where I moved or the disappointing feeling I feel since I have to postpone school for two semesters I started to think of God as a distant being and instead began to ponder my little head on how I CAN fix things, how I CAN get things moving. Then I read verse one: “How you have helped the powerless! How you have saved the arm that is feeble!” What an awakening! God spoke to me and reminded me of all those times he saw me through it! I have to let go and let God. GOD IS BIGGER!!!

  5. I think a lot of times (okay, most of the time) I think of God as small. Wanting him to help me or fix my problems. This week we had VBS at our church and I got to see God working in kids lives. Then this bible study helped me to realize how big He really is. God does so many amazing things and all at once. Wow!

  6. This is my first time joining your reading challenge and I really am enjoying this. I also gave a copy of the God is Bigger to my daughter. God is everywhere and he IS bigger then all that He has made. But He isn’t so big that I can’t go to Him in prayer and He comforts me in what ever I’m going through at that time.

    1. Isn’t that incredible? That he is so big and yet wants a personal relationship with little ol’ me and you! 🙂

      1. Yes it is amazing that He knows me and watches over me 24/7.

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