Genuine Faith Bible Reading Challenge Summary Week 1
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Hey there! Friday is here and so we are wrapping up the current Bible reading plan, just as we do each Friday. If you are looking for the final summary posts of the February Bible reading challenge, you can find them as an addendum on the True Love Bible reading summary week 4.
Today we will only cover the first 3 days of the new Bible reading plan for March, Genuine Faith. But let’s dive in to the Genuine Faith Bible reading challenge summary week 1 and check out what we’ve learned so far.
Luke 8:43-48
We covered much of this story of the bleeding woman in the introduction to the Genuine Faith Bible reading plan. My favorite part of the story are Jesus’ words: Go in peace.
Hebrews 11:1-10
And if today, you opened your Bible or phone to the #genuinefaith#biblereading challenge, then this verse means you! You are faithfully seeking him! Way to go!
Hebrews 11:11-21
#genuinefaith believes He will keep his promises because he has always done so. Our faith rests in the Faithful One.#biblereading Hebrews 11:11-21 for today’s reading.
It’s a short summary this week, but stay tuned! Each day we take one more step to grow our faith and knowledge of it.
By his grace,
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Just found your site not too long ago. A little late but I am going to jump in on the March study. Love this! <3
Wonderful, .Theresa! Glad to have you!
If I could but touch the hem of His garment. If I could but touch some pat of His robe. I know I’d be healed, my sins all forgiven. If I could but touch him I know I’d be whole.
Led by the hand that led Moses out of bondage. Saved by the grace Noah found in the eyes of the Lord. Saved from hell by he forth man in the fire. Jacobs ladder leads to Heaven who can climb higher. Think about the faith little Davis put in that sling. That same faith delivered Daniel from the lions den. Then 3 days Jonah stayed in the belly of a whale. Upon this church the gates of hell shall not prevail.
Hymns that came to mind as I read each day’s passages. Amen and amen
wonderful, Devonna!! You know I love hymns? I do. So much.