Five Minute Friday: Real
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Writer chics all over the globe take five minutes on Fridays and just do one thing for five minutes: write.It’s fun, it’s cheeky and well, I just like the security of having one writing assignment that doesn’t take a whole lot of time or thought. Just writing for the love of writing. All with a one-word prompt by the Gypsy Mama. You’d like her; she’s cool.
Here we go. Five minutes of the word: Real.
On Wednesday evening my husband and I returned from a five night trip away from our children. First time in over two years that we spent this amount of time away from them, but together.
Yesterday a lot of “real” things hit me.
Like dirty toilets and bathroom sinks.
Like misplaced items and messy drawers.
A few things like needing milk and bread and the nonstop pace of giving care to seven kids. One kid whose college goals and needs weigh heavily on Matt and me. The reality of having a child with a terminal illness. Ten years old and his life under our roof is most likely halfway over. A girl whose mood changes like a chameleon. A toothless wonder of 6 whose concentration is refilling his caterpillar box. A three year old with the curiosity of ten monkeys. The baby toddling around with smiles and giggles. And poopy diapers.
But REAL feels so very good.
Real is dreaming of the incredible future of that college age girl.
Real is loving every day we get to spend caring for a sick girl.
Real is concentrating on character building for the preteen.
Real is evaluating how to infuse joy by example to an 8 yr. old.
Real is relishing the growing mind of the caterpillar-loving boy.
Real is working new puzzles and dancing with the preschooler.
Real is cherishing those little baby arms as they hug my neck.
Soak it up.
Life is real.
So is the brevity of seasons.
My son is graduating from graduate school in two weeks, so my mommy time has been done for a while. My niece, whose mother is homeless and missing, has moved in with us for a short time. She told me last night my husband referred to her as my daughter, and that was okay with her. I’m sitting here thinking about what that means. Maybe my mom time isn’t finished? But what does that look like for my reality with Alice?
My students, 22 of them, get on my last nerve daily this school year, and my patience is thin due to more issues with them (really their parents) than I can relate. The night before last, I read a devotional that suggested before I react, I pause and say His name, “Jesus,” quietly to myself. I did that yesterday, only once, but we had a calm day.
In these morning moments, I read a blog post by a friend whose son was suddenly taken from her at 12. I sent a text to a friend whose daughter died of leukemia at 24.
And then I came here.
Real. You captured it. We all live it. I feel sad for those who are waiting for life to happen when it’s happening all around them in every moment, now.
Sounds like you have a daughter to care for, at least until God moves her on. Teaching is a tough professions; I’m thrilled to hear that the name of Jesus provided calm in the midst of the storm. Life is happening all around us, every moment of every day. Accepting and embracing is the fun, but it sure does take faith. Prayers for you today, Ellen! God loves your heart and so do I.
Rachel, I must tell you that I always get a tad bit excited to see what you’ll create on your Five Minute Fridays! 🙂 It’s always well, REAL. ~ Bless you sister, Amy
You’re so funny. Blessings to you, Friend!!
Oh! I love this! How beautifully said! Being a mom is hard but it is wonderful and so very real!
Thanks for stopping by, Kim! And your kind words. Blessings to you!
I’m so happy to hear you had time away with your husband! You have a beautiful family, and I love your list of real ways to show your thankfulness for them. Praying for you today, mama, that God will fill you to overflowing with His amazing love as you in turn bless those around you. Thanks for sharing your ‘real’ with us today!
Thanks for stopping by, Jana. Real is about all there is around this place. ;0) Love your prayers; back up for you!
Loved this … reveling in the real of the here and now … but with an eye to the future.
Thanks and blessings to you and your 9 person household!
Thanks for coming by! Blessings to you, Felecia!
Beautifully said!! THANKS for sharing your gift of writing with me.
Thank you Friend!! For reading and for being you.