Dear Mom: What I’d say if you were here…

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When you have a loved one in Heaven, there are times you miss them more than others. Mother’s Day is one of those times for me; my mom left this world 14 years ago. Today I’m participating in a wonderfully encouraging band of sisters to bring you letters of hope and encouragement for the hearts of mothers everywhere. My letter is one to my mom- a letter of hope  You can check out all the beautiful letters here.

Dear Mom:

While it’s been 14 years since you went to Heaven, in many ways it feels like yesterday. As Mother’s Day draws closer this week, I find myself pondering all the things I wish you knew and what I’d say if you were here.

I’d be sure to tell you that I get it so much more now than I did even 14 years ago. This thing called motherhood certainly  contains its challenges and yet you made it look much easier than I ever dreamed. Oh, no doubt, things weren’t always perfect by the definition of the word. But things were so very perfect when it came to loving hearts and investing in souls.

I wish I could tell you that I still remember the day you made a “bowling” game of doing laundry. And how I really wish I could find the time to sew like we used to do, but my heart aches so greatly each time I pick up the sewing machine you bought for me. Then I know what you’d say to that: “Just find the joy in whatever you are doing.”

I’d love to tell you how much I appreciate the beautiful dresses you sent to me while I was in college and how I still read the letters you sent when I need an encouraging word, even 20 years later.

And how I messed up your Christmas present that one year and have wished thousands of times that I could have had a do-over.

I’d love to tell you that now that I have seven kids of my own, I’m still trying to figure out how you did it with nine. And I wish I could ask you how in the world you managed to get  a meal on the table so quickly and yet have it taste so good.

It would be  fun to catch you  up on the little faces of all your beautiful grandbabies and show you the unique talents and skills of each one. Sometimes I get the feeling that you already know them- I don’t know how or why.

Mostly I would want to say thank you again. Thank you for the sacrifices you made, the older clothes you wore so that your children could have something new…the lunches of bread heels for your sandwiches and chip crumbs from the bottom of the bag…the yard sales you held to recycle and make new…the amount of time you committed to your family day and night. It all mattered because I know how to do the same from seeing you live as an example.

The hope of this letter lies in the legacy you left behind on this earth. A legacy of love and faith. A spirit of knowing that life holds much beauty as long as you take the time to see it and each day should be enjoyed as a gift from the heavenly Father.  A legacy that speaks volumes to moms everywhere…

We can only leave legacies when we purposely choose to do so.

I love you, Mom, and can’t wait to see you again.


As part of the Dear Mom tour, our group wants to bless you with some giveaway love.  All you have to do is enter in the Rafflecopter at the end of each post throughout the “Dear Mom” tour. We’ll pick a winner on Mother’s Day evening. The contest is open to US residents only. One winner will be chosen for each prize. a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for taking the time to share your heart with the rest of us. I too know the feeling of what this weekend brings. My mother left this world and entered eternity 2 yrs ago. Your mother sounded a lot like mine….selfless, always putting others first, always doing without to make sure someone else had. Take comfort in knowing our moms have more than they could have ever asked for or dreamed of and beyond our imaginations here on earth. They are rejoicing with our sweet savior! My prayers are wht you this weekend and know she does watch over you and your children. The next time the wind blows and the sun shines down and you feel the warmth on your skin remember it’s her!

    1. Great descriptive word- selfless. Thank you, Misty. Blessings to you this weekend.

  2. Oh Rachel, how beautiful and inspiring. To God be the glory for give you your mom and for the impact she had on your life. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Rachel,

    I saw this first thing this morning and I’ll be honest – I had to close it after a quick peek. I am so glad that I came back this evening to get a closer look. Your prayer is beautiful and as hard as it is for me this Mother’s Day, I am learning that each tear, each memory, each shattered price of my heart is carefully being tended to by God. I need to let Him do what He does so well. I am praying for you and all mothers this weekend who are without their own mommas to give them that hug that they so desperately desire. May God hold you close and tenderly this Sunday! Hugs, Mary!

  4. It must be difficult, Rachel. I’m sorry you have to travel this life without your mother. Bless you for your willingness to share and encourage others in the midst of your heartache.

  5. Oh, how all of this is very true. For I am also blessed to be a daughter of this great woman Rachel speaks. I am blessed to be able to walk into my mothers home everyday and be reminded of the great mother she was. If she were here today, I would tell her the same thing I told her the last time I spoke to her….I love you, Mom.

    1. I too spend Mothers Day without my Mom, I miss her terribly I have a very hard time and this day it is even harder its been 4 years, others do not understand, they tell me get over it it is time for you to move on, it is my hope you will. Your letter was so beautiful such love with your mother you can feel it in your words. How precious our memories are, how now we see all our mothers did for us, I find in such amazement at what they did with what was with very little in that time. I hope my mother understood just how much I loved her those were the last words I spoke to her also as I held her hand.

      For all of you who are Mothers who are Mothers-to-be, or those who dream of being Mothers I wish all of us Happy Mothers Day, God Bless each of you and hold you close to his side and protect you.

      1. Bless you Chelsie!! Thank you for your beautiful understanding and appreciation for mothers everywhere.

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