Constantly Interrupted…

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Big fish.



We all know the story from childhood.  But right now I’m in the second week of Priscilla Shirer‘s Bible study: Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted.

Frankly, I think my entire adult life has been one series of interruptions after another.  Many of you may feel the same way.  I’m cruising along with my plan

and then…

God has another. 

What makes this study approach life interruptions differently is what Priscilla boils down to one simple equation:

Interrupted Life = Divine Intervention

The study is too intricate for me to attempt to define all that I’m learning in one simple blog post.  But the following is a little real life interruption and how this study has me thinking about my reactions to God’s daily interruptions.

My second grader, Tristina, had been fighting a cold/cough for about seven days. Why she chose this particular day to decide that school was not on her agenda I couldn’t understand. She appeared no worse.  And with her sudden bursts of energy, this Mama was having a difficult time knowing whether or not she was sick or “sick.”

So the plan was for her to go to school and I promised that if she felt badly, she could call me and I would come for her as soon as possible.

The morning moved along for about an hour and then the phone rang.  One glance at the caller ID revealed the school number and I got the pit in my stomach that says: This day is about to take on a different shape.  

Yep, we were moving from square to rhombus.

But my sweet girl needed me and this interruption was immediately brought to light in my heart that God had a different design for this particular day.  So I prayed for strength to accomplish the day’s work and time management focus.  And that God would use this interruption.

On my way travelling back home from the school, immediately the Lord revealed His plan for the interruption.  At least part of it.

On a very busy road, in the extremely warm sun, was a silver-haired lady walking with a walker, which was burdened with bags of groceries.  She was pausing occasionally.

I turned the van around and we went back to her.  I asked her if I could help her and she broke down in tears. Muttering that she didn’t realize how hot it was, how far she had to go to get back home, etc.  She looked like she was ready to faint.

Didn’t matter. She was on the Divine Intervention Plan.

And my baby girls and I had the privilege of taking her home.

You see, I don’t write this because I want you think highly of me. Goodness no.

The Lord has been impressing on my heart to write about this for the last two days because the point is…He wants to use us for His glory! What a privilege this is.

Exactly one of the points Priscilla delivered in the Jonah study:

The interrupted life is the privileged life.

The “interruption” is our opportunity to be used in a way that will bring Him the MOST glory.  Isn’t it beautiful?

So to be honest, I’m still working on my perception of the interruptions being Divine interventions.

But, thankfully, He’s still working on me. Our God is faithful.

How about you? Thinking of a life interruption? Share with me!