Darkness Be Gone

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On Fridays, my friend, The Gypsy Mama, gives writers a five minute word prompt and we take off on the adventure of description for that one word. Today, she graciously allowed more the five minutes. Today is more than Friday. Today is Good Friday. The prompt?


Darkness had fallen early that day. The depth of it seemed more heavy than ever before.  The shadows of the three crosses were long faded. No more silhouettes, the pitch black night had overtaken.  The body of Jesus no longer held life. The lifeless form had been wrapped carefully and the guards in front of the tomb had never before taken a position this seriously.

As night began to pass, the hours seemed to flow smoothly.  The guards took their turns in formation, alert and watching.  They had been given instruction that an ambush could be possible; and with each minute closer to the horizon, they breathed a bit easier.

Death held the appearance of victor as the interior cave of the tomb possessed not one shred of light.  Light equaled hope and hope could not be found.

When suddenly,

LIGHT burst forth, shattering the grip of the grave.

In HIM was life and the life was the LIGHT of men.

The darkness could not comprehend Him. 

As the light flooded the world again, the morning sun shone. Day had dawned and THE DAY had dawned. The Light of the World would not succumb to the darkness of death, but He would shine to the Heavens, glorifying the Father.

The soldiers ran from the tomb. Their fear of the blinding light so great that their legs could not run quickly enough. The darkness had made them afraid, but the LIGHT was so bright that their minds could not wrap around Him.  Physically their eyes were blinded; spiritually they could see the true miracle in the resurrection.

“I am the light of the world.  He that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

The Light still shines. Invading our world in the black of night. His love shining beyond our vision.  His light chasing out the ominous depth of death.

Jesus IS the Light of the World.

Can you see Him?




  1. I took me 44 years, but yes, I can see Him!

    May you be aware of each of His blessings as you travel through your day.

  2. Evenin’ sweet woman,
    I was so blessed by your words in 5 minutes or less. Thank you Jesus! -Blessings sister, Amy

  3. Yes, yes, I can see Him… and I want to see more of Him.

  4. Amen! I can’t imagine what those soldiers must have thought… I pray they are realized eventually that Jesus is Lord over all! The Light of the World come forth. Have a wonderful Easter 🙂

    1. Rachel Wojnarowski says:

      Interesting to think about, huh? Blessed Easter to you.

  5. So so so thankful for this “LIGHT burst forth, shattering the grip of the grave.” His Light is medicine for all. Love your blog and thankful I stopped over.

    1. Rachel Wojnarowski says:

      Thanks for stopping by! And for the encouragement!

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