4 Ways God Uses Technology in Church

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bible reading challenge day 91


Today in the Faith Hub: Where God and Technology Connect series, we’re discussing ways God uses technology in church to help us influence others for Christ. The goal is provide you or your church with ideas you’ve perhaps never thought about before.

As I sat in the Easter service today and experienced the presence of the Lord in church, I couldn’t help but reflect on my appreciation for how the church can use technology to bring people to Jesus. As I reflected on this topic a bit more this afternoon, I overheard my husband explaining our church experience to someone else. His view of the service, after being a part of the church choir for 6 different Easter services, was completely fresh. Isn’t that incredible? The same service 6 times in a row and he was still excited about it!


ways God uses technology in church

One of the reasons our church services are so stellar is because of the great job of technology use during the service. Here are some observations I made regarding the ways that God uses technology in church.

1. God is pleased with offering the gift of technology to Him when the media ministry is executed at a professional level.

I know- not every church can “afford” professionals.  But I truly believe that this is one position in the church that should not be shortchanged. If the church wants media ministry results, then prioritizing this ministry is a must. Perhaps providing training to volunteers would be a great start in achieving this goal.

I Cor. 10:31 -So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

2. God uses technology team volunteers who have a heart for the church ministry and skills for the job.

Today I saw one of the camera men raising his left hand to praise the Lord while his right hand maneuvered the camera.  When the camera man is excited to be a part of the service, his view will be in tune with how the Spirit is moving during the service.  His heart for God will capture more than his skill alone could ever produce.

II Chron. 6:19 – For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him.

3. God uses media ministry to reach people beyond the four walls of the church.

The reasons why people need flexibility in service times and availability is vast-illness, accidents, third shift jobs…. Many people have their needs met to participate in church services via church’s streaming video services or recorded clips because that is the best scenario for their current life situation.  The opportunity to provide an online community to reach others for Christ is huge.

Matt. 22:9 – Go therefore to the main roads and invite to the wedding feast as many as you find.

 4. God uses technology in the church service to engage those in attendance.

Last summer I was privileged to see the incredible art performance of the Jesus Painter at a Women of Faith event. The method in which he paints the Gospel is both thought-provoking and engaging.  His art-form uniquely engages the thoughts and emotions of his viewers.  The creativity of God is too vast for our imaginations-but I truly believe that technology paints a landscape for some people to see God who might otherwise walk right past Him.

I Cor. 12:18, 21 – But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose.The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.”

How does your church use technology to engage the community for Christ? I’d love to read your answer in the comments.

Bloggers- Love to have you link up today! Thanks a ton!







  1. Like “momstheword” commented, we have a small congregation, but I’ve recently started recording my husband’s sermons using my ipod (and playing the piano, haha). I’m not sure the best way to share them yet. I can burn them to cd’s but that’s not ideal. Open to suggestions for sharing audio files. I also started a facebook page and it’s interesting that many who don’t attend the church have “liked” it. I try to add something there everyday. Thanks Rachel.

    1. I think that is AWESOME that you are using Facebook. It’s a huge outreach tool, especially in small communities! I wish Facebook still hosted mp3 files- that would have been a great method for you. You can upload audio files to Youtube- not sure if that is the best solution, but it would work. If I think of any other ideas, I’ll let you know. I’m guessing the church doesn’t have a blog? Because that would be the best solution, I think.

      1. Thanks Rachel, no the church doesn’t have a blog. I might try youtube and then email the link to people. If I come up with something, I’ll let you know, in case your readers have an interest.

  2. Our church has really adopted new technology, and I included a link to their website so that people can check out what a different atmosphere it creates. Hope everyone enjoys going somewhere.

  3. Our church is getting ready to start its first “multi-site”. All the music/worship will be live, but the sermon will either be streamed in or recorded and played on a big screen. I’m so excited about this! We’ve grown so much that the current building just can’t hold us and we’ll be able to reach even more people this way. We also have multiple facebook pages (for different ministries), most communication is done via e-mail, the sermon is broadcast throughout the building via closed circuit TV, there are a lot of Bible studies done with the aid of DVD’s or youtube videos. We love technology at our church! LOL

  4. Summer Wheeler says:

    My church has connected with Global Media Outreach, an organization that uses technology to share the gospel message with millions around the world each year. As an online missionary, we are able to reach millions for the fraction of the cost of a typical mission trip. It’s neat to talk to people all around the world. Last year over 26 million made a decision for Jesus! http://www.globalmediaoutreach.com

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by and the resource you are providing! I can’t wait to go check them out. Blessings to you!

  5. Rachel,
    Like anything, technology can be used for good or used for evil. During Sunday school yesterday, our teacher shared an amazing testimony from a trauma surgeon about the physical aspects of Christ’s suffering. Although I’d heard the facts before, having a real surgeon testify to the agony my Savior went through in my place brought tears to my eyes. I believe God used that video to help me appreciate more fully what he did for me. Thanks for sharing your perspective today. Blessings from Hungry for God; Starving for Time.

  6. I must admit, I’m still getting accustomed to people looking up the scripture on their cell phones while in service. It makes me feel a bit strange. Even though I know I’m looking at the same thing in my bible with pages as they are teir bible with a screen, I’m still not used to it. But technology will allow Christ’s message of love to spread faster and around the world into places it’s never been so that’s exciting!

    1. I can understand totally! I have to wonder what people thought when the first printed Bibles were brought to church and the people had access to read for themselves what only the pastor had access to before that time. 🙂 People embrace change at different rates and that’s totally ok. I love what you said about technology furthering the gospel! That’s why I love it so. 🙂

  7. I have been around church members that feel it sacrereligous to view a sermon on TV let alone streaming on a website or on podcast. I have missed going to church several Sundays because I had been with my mom during her illness and while she was in hospice, and honestly because I was just exhausted. I thought I would stream a sermon online or listen to a podcast, but because of what others around me have said I thought that would be wrong. In reading your blog today, I now see it as not wrong , Jesus did say go into all the world, so why can’t that world be the cyber world when you can not physically be in a Sunday morning service. Thank you Rachel

    1. Oh Friend. Makes my heart sad that you felt you could not use the resources available to hear God’s Word. God has given us modern technology- of course He wants us to use it for Him!! I can’t wait to read about your next online sermon experience! 🙂 🙂

  8. Our church is a small church. No cameras or anything. I have seen my son raise one hand while playing the piano with the other hand, lol! My husband does have his sermons online and the church does have a facebook page. 😉 Thanks so much for hosting today.

    1. That’s a great start for a small church! Use what God gives you. 🙂 I grew up in a small church- so I totally get it! Blessings Friend.

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