Teaching Kids to Pray Beyond Bedtime

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 The quiet and still moments just before drifting off to sleep are a wonderful time of day for a child to remember the love of the heavenly Father and their earthly parents. But teaching children to pray beyond nighttime requires a little more intention.  How can we teach our children that praying isn’t only for bedtime?

Praying at bedtime is a wonderful way to build a prayer routine that lasts for a lifetime.  The quiet and still moments just before drifting off to sleep are a wonderful time of day for a child to remember the love of the heavenly Father and their earthly parents. But teaching children to pray beyond nighttime requires a little more intention.

How can we teach our children that praying isn’t only for bedtime?

Check out these 5 ways to teach your children that prayer is a great thing anytime!

  1. Pause and pray at meal times.

Even in the hustle and bustle of busy schedules, getting food on the table is still a must with families. Pausing to pray before meals is a beautiful way to bring the family together around the table. Being thankful creates a happy heart and modeling this thankfulness at meal time promotes joy!

  1. Pause and pray whenever you hear sirens.Whenever our family is in the car and fire engines pass by, I simply say aloud, “Jesus, be with them.” Teach children that sirens are a prayer signal for first responders and the people they are being called to assist. The simple act of speaking words of help to the Father when we hear or see sirens is a great way to teach our children to pray beyond the routine daily schedule.
  2.  Pause and pray when you…

Don’t miss the rest of this article at TommyNelson.com! 

By his grace,


One Comment

  1. Heather Johnson says:

    This is a beautiful very sweet reminder and I wanted to thank you for sharing it.

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