10 Praise Songs to Start Your Day

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Last week a reader requested recommendations for encouraging praise songs. I sent her two lists from previous posts: 7 praise songs to shut down negative inside chatter and 13 praise songs for hurting hearts. But the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to give her a list of current favorites. And I kept thinking it would be fun to have a list of 10 praise songs to start your day. I love praise music; don’t you? In no particular, here we go- you may thank Audrey. 😉

praise song list

1. 10,000 Reasons  (Bless the Lord, O My Soul)

2. One Thing Remains (Your Love Never Fails, It Never Gives Up, It Never Runs Out on Me)

3. Overcomer

4. Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies)

5. Our God is Greater

6. Revelation Song

7. Forever Reign

8. All My Fountains

9.  Your Great Name

10. I Am Free

As a piano teacher for 20 years, I love all different types of music and one of my favorite things about teaching is helping students find music they love and helping families enjoy music.

Today I have a great recommendation for you from Homegrown Learners.

SQUILT is Music Appreciation Made Simple. The .PDF’s are a fabulous ebook learning system, currently delivering two volumes. The first volume is a study in the Baroque Era and the second is the Classical Era. Each of these volumes provide instruction on 10 great pieces of classical music, notebooking pages and super fun enrichment activities. This program is a great method for elementary school age children, no matter the school setting. Be sure to check out SQUILT here: Click here to visit Homegrown Learners..

Before you go, would you add your favorite praise songs to the list?

whimsical wednesday

And bloggers, thanks so much for linking up to Whimsical Wednesday! Would you also leave a comment with your favorite praise song?

Have a great day!







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  1. I couldn’t agree more!!! These are some of my favorite worships songs!!!!

  2. Rachel, love your list and all those added by those who commented…have to add the Good Morning song by Mandisa with Toby Mac of course! What a way to start the day! The only way! Praising the Lord!

  3. Matt Redman’s newest song – “Your Grace Finds Me” speaks volumes to me about how God always extends grace and how we breathe in grace and should breathe out praise. Beautiful song!

  4. Love your list! I would also add Kari jobe’s version of revelation song and pretty much anything else on her cd. Barlow girl has some great ones, You Led Me, Never Alone, Surrender. JJ Heller, I could go on and on naming all of her songs!

  5. hi, Mrs..Rachel I love your websites and your blogs! they have really changed me. I am only 11 but I have gave my life to Christ and your website was the one thing that got me moving to come closer to god all of these songs I love especially, “great name”! I would also add ” city on are knees” by Toby Mac! and I hope you keep posting your messages and blogs!

  6. Great list, Rachel. I would add “Blessings” by Laura Story.

  7. Penny Estabrook says:

    Love the list of praise songs. One of my favorites right now is Remind me who I am by Jason Gray and bother one is Hello, my name is by Matthew West. Praying The Lord blesses you in a special way today.

  8. Rachel, thank you so much for today’s post of music. What a blessing!

  9. You’ve already listed many of my favorites! 🙂 I also love the newer version of Today is the Day and Mighty to Save. It’s hard to choose favorites, though.

  10. Right now, I really love Third Day’s ‘Your love is like a river’. Makes me stop and rejoice whenever its on play. That and 10,000 reasons. I’ve always wanted to play piano but never had the guts to learn. Maybe I’ll be a late bloomer!

  11. Nancy Miller says:

    10,000 Reasons was my first thought before I saw your list 🙂

  12. We just had a great band called Indelible Grace come to our church to do a praise/worship service. They take old hymns and give them new music. It’s beautiful. Also, your link doesn’t work.

  13. I, too, love praise and worship music. Right now, my current fav is “Oh, How He Loves Us!” by the Dave Crowder Band. And I do love Kari Jobe’s version of “The Revelation Song”. I greatly enjoy your blog and your ministry!

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