Heaven is for Real Children’s Book Giveaway

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heaven is for real book giveaway

I can hardly stand my own excitement! 🙂 I’m so privileged to give away two of my favorite children’s books about Heaven today!! Ok, so I’m using an extreme number of exclamation points and this is my disclaimer- If you do not care for exclamation points, please ignore them.

If you haven’t heard the incredible news, the #1 New York Times best-selling book, Heaven Is For Real, is scheduled to release in movie form on Easter weekend! I can’t wait to see it and I wanted to share the trailer with you:

In full celebration of my anticipation for a WONDERFUL movie and due to my love for the Heaven Is For Real children’s books, today I’m giving away a copy of Heaven Is For Real For Kids and a copy of Heaven Is For Real For Little Ones. Our family owns each of these books and the message of each book is that Jesus really, really loves children. Could there be a better message to share with children? I thought you might enjoy seeing previews of the books because the illustrations are so very beautiful:

The board book is perfect for little hands to grasp. If you’d like more information about the Heaven Is For Real for Kids book, click here. And if you’d like to see more on the Heaven Is For Real for little ones, click here.

And I know you want to enter the giveaway!! So follow the Rafflecopter and I’ll see you tomorrow.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: Product provided by publisher. All opinions are my own. Post contains affiliate links. Site may be compensated if purchase is made. See full disclosure policy here.


  1. Robyn Lloyd says:

    I have to say that I read this book to my daughter when it first came out and she LOVED it. I’m so glad you did this giveaway! The impact of the book and soon the film will be tremendous. There needs to be more of an awareness that Heaven IS real. Another really good book I highly recommend on this topic is called, Held By The Hand Of God: Why Am I Alive, by Joe Laws. The author shares his own personal experience and medical miracle, that will strengthen your hope and faith. You can find his website here: http://heldbythehandofgod.com/

    1. That is so true, Robyn. There are still many out there who don’t believe that Heaven is a real place, and I have met some folks who feel that when they die that they will just disappear, without an afterlife. So sad :{. But books like this one are good tools to open up conversation. I will check Joe’s story out as well – thank you!

  2. I’ve taught the kids at church about Heaven.

  3. Christina Engleman says:

    My 7yr old son and I were just talking about Heaven this morning. Whenever he sees the sun coming thru the clouds he always says “look at Heaven’s light…” I have read this book and have shared with several friends and family. I love that it is about a boy in Nebraska since I am a proud Nebraskan! What a great giveaway!

  4. My husband and I have begun to talk with our soon to be 2 year old about Heaven. His interest in Jesus is precious and rewarding…..so we try to explain little things to him on his level about where Jesus lives. =)

  5. Kinzie Anderson says:

    I read this book in high school and loved it. I told my mother about it and she told her friends. It got to the point where my book was borrowed from my mother to her friends to friends of friends. I didn’t see it for months! But that’s was fine with me! 🙂 Spreading Jesus & love. <3

    Had no idea they made a movie or had a children's version!? Would love to read it to my little girl.

  6. I read the book when it first came out. My connection was that I grew up not too far from their tiny town in NE and I also was a patient at the same hospital in North Platte. Wonderful book!

  7. We have had many conversations about heaven. This would be a wonderful addition! Also, very excited about the movie!

  8. My daughter is only 2 so we haven’t talked about it yet, but we will sooner rather than later.

  9. Yes, I have…specifically after reading “Heaven is For Real” myself. And, for me the take away message was that we are “safe in His hands” and we will not go anywhere until He says it is our time to go. Did NOT know about the movie being made…but I am sooo excited to be able to take my family to see it!

  10. We have spoken with our children about heaven. Our littlest talks and asks questions all the time. I am so excited for the movie to be released! Thanks for the chance.

  11. I always feel so inadequate when the questions of heaven come up. I’m very curious about these books!

  12. Sara White says:

    I enjoyed reading this book and I am sure my kids would as well!

  13. We talk to our 4 and 5 year old about heaven all the time. This book really helped them visualize it, and believe that it is a wonderful place.

  14. I’ve talked with my 4 year old about heaven but it’s still a difficult concept for her grasp. I loved this book and would love to read the “for little ones” version to her!

  15. I remember being confused about Heaven when I was a kid … excited to share something like this with my kids !! Feeling blessed to have seen this on this busy morning and am excited to see the movie !!

  16. Julie lemons says:

    My two year old Granddaughter is in the beginning stages of learning about God . This book would be awesome to share with her. Every Sunday she is filled with excitement because she will be going to children’s Nursery to play and learn about God. As her Grandmother I have the awesome responsibility of bringing her to church as her mother works . This book would be a awesome tool in continuing to teach my Granddaughter about Gods wonderful promises.

  17. Andrea P. says:

    I am excited for this movie and to share this book with my kids!

  18. Jackie Ferner says:

    My son is 3 and he loves going to church. It’s so cute that he keeps us accountable for praying at night. I would love to have this book to read to him before bed. Another awesome resource to teach our kids about God.

  19. Oh Rachel, after watching the trailer tonight, I am reduced to tears…the tears of the weekend finally flowing…so tired! I lost a former student this weekend and I am knowing that David is in heaven! David is 17 and I have worked with him and loved him since he was 3….well up until a few years ago when his aggressive behaviors brought everyone to understand his need for a more restrictive environment… hadn’t seen him since last summer! I am sure that he was innocent beyond understanding what he was actually doing! Jesus called him home to finally truly rest in His peace and Love! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Rachel for triggering a release that was creating a balloon of emotion just waiting to burst! God bless!
    ps. My grandsons would love the books! We do talk about heaven! Because that is where our friends and loved ones go when they are not able to be with us anymore because Jesus wants them to be happy with Him!

  20. My children are four and two so theological discussions are rare. We have had talks about what happens when our bodies die! They love to hear stories of heaven though and they love imagining what it will be like. Though I’m sure Elmo won’t be there. 😉

  21. We are constantly speaking and discussing heaven with my 3 older children. It is so fun to hear what they have to say and to get their insight on such a topic.

  22. I was given the adult book when I lost my daughter in 2011. This would be a perfect gift to give my two grandsons, my daughter’s sons.

  23. I first heard about this book last year when a close friend of mine lost her young son. We got this for her as a gift, to help her and her younger son deal with the grief of losing him unexpectedly. This book is a great addition to any family, as we all deal with death at some point in life. Thank you for the opportunity to win this book!

  24. We have spoken about heaven on many occasions and my 5 year old is constantly coming to me with more questions about heaven and hell and where people go when we die. I love talking to him about it and think that this would make an excellent tool to help teach and explain things to him.

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