4 Digital Resources to Help You Grow & Share Your Faith

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bible reading challenge day 42

Last week in the series, Faith Hub: Where God and Technology Connect, we discussed 9 methods we can use via technology and social media to grow our faith. The purpose of the idea list was to encourage application to your personal “faith hub” where God and technology connect in your life.

digital resources

This week I wanted to take it up another notch and provide a list of digital/ virtual resources specifically designed to help you grow and share your faith. I truly believe that you will find these resources so very helpful whether you are a veteran Christian or have just placed your faith in Christ. So here we go:

1. StickyJesus: This book/ministry site is subtitled: An Equipping Hub for Online Outreach. If you are feeling the desire to share your love for Christ online and yet you are not sure exactly where to start, StickyJesus is a great place to get ideas, as well as the detailed instructions to act on the ideas. The ebook is available here:@stickyJesus: How to Live Out Your Faith Online.

2. Reach; How to Use Your Social Media Influence for the Glory of God : This short ebook will encourage you to share your faith online and make the most of the technological tools you are already using. The book provides real examples of how God is using social media to influence others for Christ and is available on Amazon for $4.99.






3. Steps to Peace with God iphone app: Do you ever get nervous about talking to someone regarding their need for Christ? Having a plan in place to share the Gospel is a great way to  eliminate the nerves.  I found this AWESOME app to help me discuss the basic points of knowing Jesus as your Savior and I think you will love it too.  From the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, this app could easily become your guide for sharing God’s peace with others. Download here for Itunes.

bgea app



4. BGEA App: The Billy Graham Association is an incredible resource to help you share your faith on both their website and this app.  Besides the app mentioned above, this page on their website contains multiple ways to assist you in growing and sharing your faith.  One of the resources I particularly love is the “What’s Your Story?” questionnaire.  If you’ve never taken the time to write out your own personal testimony, you will be so blessed to follow through in that exercise! I highly recommend heading over there! This  particular app contains daily devotions, videos and audios all for FREE. Available on Itunes and Android.

Do you know of any digital/virtual resources to use in growing and sharing your faith? I’d love it if you’d share them in the comments below.

Bloggers, I am so thrilled to have you linking up each week! You will find your connection below.

Today I have a post on The Better Mom with 9 Simple Ways to Show God’s Love on Valentine’s Day. Hope you’ll stop by- link goes live Monday morning. CLICK HERE.

Happy Monday!





  1. Shelli McVey Rosamond says:

    I really enjoy the Daily Audio Bible podcasts. Brian Harden reads through the bible every year and the Daily Audio Bible podcasts/app lets me listen along. It is a great online community of listeners from around the world. Check it out at http://www.dailyaudiobible.com

  2. Rachel, thanks for sharing this link up, and these great technology resources. I do have one that I find very helpful. It’s Scripture Typer http://scripturetyper.com/ and what’s great about it is you can choose your favorite version. It’s a tool to help with scripture memorization. It even records how many verses you’ve learned, and shows where you rank with others who are learning scriptures as well. I have it on my computer and ipad, and use it frequently.

    1. Thanks so much Abby! This site is new to me and I just love it!! Really appreciate your sharing it!

      1. Great, glad I helped you find it. You can also great groups, for example verses you want your ladies Bible study to learn. I am in a group right now : 100 Verses in 2013, which is working through ‘100 Bible Verses Everyone Should Know’ by Robert J. Morgan. I use the program with my Sunday School teens, they love it.

  3. Thank you for sharing those links. I haven’t heard of them before but of course I’ve heard of Billy Graham (just not the link). I will enjoy checking them out! Thank you for hosting the linky party today, I am happy to link up!

    1. Thanks for linking up and I think that the Billy Graham links are just so awesome. Fantastic tools for any Christian. 🙂 Happy Monday to you!

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