A Prayer for Patience

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Need a little more patience? Me too. Let's pray for it!

Most of us have heard it said “Be careful what you pray for; you just might get it!” And what if your prayer is for patience? No one wants the trials to develop patience, right? But oh, how I need patience. Yesterday I had to just stop and pray for it. Ask and you shall receive. So I’m sharing a prayer for patience with you…

A Prayer for Patience

Dear Father,

Today I feel like every task is a race;
I’m falling short on giving grace.
It’s a scary thing to ask for what I need;
I recognize lessons to be conceived.
In this moment, I need your abundant grace
And request your strength to slow my pace.
Jesus, would you grant me patience
And your Holy Spirit to be my guide?
Give me a willing ear to listen;
A gracious hand would you provide?
May my mouth speak only with love;
And my heart reflect light from above.
Please help my mind focus intentionally,
And my actions praise you eternally.

Need more patience? Me too. Let's pray together!


  1. Joanne Peterson says:

    Beautiful prayer!

    I have a friend who said to me to just get over the fear of being sent trials, and ask for patience because we need it. Since it is a fruit of the Spirit, God will develop this virtue in us, but I think it wise to also ask for it to be developed. Since I’m often impatient, I think it only makes sense to ask for patience instead of struggling so much with the impatience.

  2. Thanks for this beautiful prayer. I needed it at this very moment! I pinned it so I can refer to it any other time I need it too.

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