20 Simple Things to Do to Encourage Your Husband

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encourage your husband

This past weekend was my husband’s 50th birthday backyard celebration! (This photo is NOT from the party. ;)) We don’t usually invite a ton of folks over for parties, because, well, our family alone is a party. But I really wanted my husband to feel the love, so we had a busy couple of weeks, an especially busy weekend, and I think my husband knows he is one great husband, dad, and dude. Most of the time, though, we keep things simple in showing our appreciation for one another.

Words are powerful and can be used to build people in an incredible way. If you’ve read or pinned some of the posts I’ve written, like

then you know that words are important to me. All these posts are purposeful about using the power of encouraging words.

However, there’s another piece to the puzzle.

I can use all the words in the world, but if I don’t do anything to support those words, then they are empty and meaningless. With all the needs of my tribe, my husband is easily glanced over as capable and independent, but I don’t want him to feel unloved!

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. I John 3:18

So today I’ve created this list of 20 simple things to do to encourage my husband and well, if you want, you can use this list of things to do to encourage your husband too! I’m not preaching that you have to do all these things every day of the week. God knows my poor husband does all of his own ironing and never complains, though he is shocked when I manage to be ready early enough to press a shirt for him. Just telling the truth.  But I wanted to write down my own ideas and maybe this post will spark creative conversation with you and you will share how you encourage your husband.

1. Alright, so number one is obvious. 

He’s a man; you’re a woman. You’re married. You get it.

2. Be kind.

I know, rocket science, right? It’s the first item on our house rules and as I say to my kids, “If you follow the first rule, you won’t have to worry much about the others.”

3. Listen to him.

4. Take care of a nagging issue without being asked.

Does the oil in his car need changed? Does it need vacuumed?

5. Smile and kiss. Then kiss some more.

6. Text or leave a voice mail.

7. Pray for him.

I can’t say how important this is!! If you’d like a purposeful challenge to help you with this point, check out 7 ways to pray for your husband for 7 days.

8. Schedule and plan a date night.

Check out the Dating Divas Date Night in a Bag series- super easy!

9. Find a new activity  to enjoy together.

10. Cook his favorite meal or if short on time, his favorite dessert.

11. Give him a no-reason-I-just-love-you card.

12. Be affectionate.

13. Give grace.

” I give grace because I so desperately need it.”- Lysa TerKeurst

14.  Provide support for his dreams and pursuits.

15. Leave a note in his bathroom cabinet or under his pillow.

16. Have lunch at his work.

17. Take his favorite drink outside when he’s working.

18. Make a cup of coffee for him.

19. Give a back rub.

20. Surprise him with your creativity. 

Ok, now you’re armed and dangerous, so have a great day!


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  1. Thank you, Rachel, this is a very practical list and very doable. Joanne

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