5 Questions to Ask Yourself About Faith and Technology

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As we’ve come to our third week in the Faith Hub: Where God and Technology Connect series, we have reached the point of taking it personal. The first week we looked at what the Bible has to say about faith and technology. Last week we continued the discussion with where the church fits in the picture. This week, we’re approaching how to balance our personal time with God and our personal time using technology and social media.


Time management is a complex subject because it is individually unique. What works for me may not work for you. What works for someone else may not work for me. There is no blanket solution that can be given that says: Spend X number of hours reading the Bible and praying and spend X numbers of hours using technology and social media, then you will have a complete balance of faith and technology. Your life will be perfectly balanced.


Many Christians recognize that social media and technology usage is becoming a predominant means of communication. As I pointed out last week, this is a GOOD thing. But some users have more trouble tuning out or turning off the social media than others. And sometimes God gets left out of the whole technological picture.

If you own a smartphone and use it for work, even only 4 hours a day, then you just might spend more time talking on the phone or texting or using apps, than you do eating meals.

If your work involves social media, then obviously more time will be spent using social media.

If you use your Ipad for work and you work 8 hours a day, then you most likely will spend more time using your Ipad than you will your Bible. Just the same as if you are a farmer and work 8 hours a day, you would use a tractor more than your Bible.

But I once knew a farmer who kept his Bible on his tractor with him. And every time he took a water break, he would open his Bible and read a few verses. At lunch time, he would prop it up on the steering wheel of the old John Deere and read a chapter while he was eating his lunch in the field.

This is why I wrote the post: 4 Fabulous Bible Apps I Recommend. Because I truly believe that either choosing to abstain from social media in totality, or overindulging in its use, is abusing a wonderful tool with which we’ve been entrusted in this century. So let’s not ditch the tablet or smartphone. Let’s be smarter than it is. How do we do that?

First, let’s give God the control of prioritizing our time and talents.

Maybe we could start by doing what the wise old farmer did. Maybe the Bible app should be on the front page of our device. Maybe determining to read my Bible first before checking email or Twitter or Facebook is the initial step in a balancing solution that will work for me.

To get us started this week, I have five questions to ask yourself to begin to determine your personal balance between faith and technology/social media usage.

  1. Have I established a priority list of daily activities?
  2. How much time daily do I spend using technology?
  3. How much time do I spend using social media?
  4. Where does my technology use connect with my faith?
  5. Have I prayed about this issue and do I feel that God is pleased with my current usage?

I know these are open questions that will require reflection. So I’m hoping you will reflect this week and come back next week as we continue to discuss balancing our personal faith with our technology and social media usage. In the mean time, would you leave a comment below answering this question:

Have you found it difficult to balance your faith and technology/social media usage? If so, why?


  1. I have spent so much time setting up a new website and developing a budding writing (in steps) that I am spending far too much time on the computer. I don’t like it, I am sure God doesn’t. THanks for the encouragement to put Right things first

    1. OH girl. That is so hard. I’ve been there. Each day asking God to take over the helm of blogging is priority for me. Thank you for your honesty!

  2. The minute I wake up for good each day…even if I have been awake a good part of the night…I won’t get out of bed before talking and spending time with the Lord. (I am usually awake very early regardless of the time I go to bed.) If I don’t do that my day flops and I have many problems during the day. I am not very active and I do a lot to keep my mind active these days. I love my smart phone and IPad, however, I use them to spread the Word and to encourage others to write their thoughts of it on my page. Doing this enriches my life as well as others I am told. I find this is a worth while effort as many times I am drawn to the problems of others and can either nurture them and pray for them as needed. I don’t think either of them are a bad influence, but I can see how they can become a bad influence if allowed to get out of hand. I had a very busy weekend this past week and spent time doing other things rather than reading my bible study, so therefore I will spend the next couple of days catching up. I am determined to do this before I do anything else so it Will get it done. (I take a little longer because I want to be sure that I’m not just reading words to get through it.)I expect to be back on track in about two days. I have been reading both the KJV and the NIV translations so I figure when I get through I can claim reading through the bible two times in a year. Not for bragging purposes but because I find it an easy way to do it and it helps me in my study also. I have a parallel bible, so that makes it doubly easier to do.

    1. Love this, Betty! I love parallel Bibles too and I’ve been reading ESV and NIV, though not both every day. Thanks so much for your encouraging outlook and wonderful insight!

  3. Nancy Miller says:

    At times yes. My first response to this question this morning was NO. This means I’ve made progress and that’s worth noting.

  4. O my. This has been a struggle for me because of those crazy addicting games. I I work outside the home, in church offfice….etc. I had to ttake a look at the extra time I was spending on social media when I was home. What I realized even though I’m physically home with my family I’m was emotionally and mentally not present. What I do now to relax after a long day at the office is to crochet for my relaxation time right after work. It has also showed me I wasn’t spending t quality time in His word enough.

    1. TYPO , my name is “Shannon” lol

    2. What an honest comment. Bless you for your willingness to share! There are plenty more facing the struggle- unwilling to admit they overuse a wonderful resource. I’m proposing we learn how to use the technology to drive us TO God- not keep us away from Him. Takes determination! So glad you stopped by!

  5. Debbie Williams says:

    I am learning to balance – my on-line Bible Study and my time on facebook, email and other things as well as staying off in the evening when my husband is here. I have to set priorities – study in the morning for 2 hours and get off until I eat lunch and then check back before starting dinner. So far I’m doing a bit better.

    1. Having a routine and structure that keeps you accountable is wonderful! We’ll discuss that more next week. Thanks for your input, Debbie!

  6. Rachel,

    Thank you! I was so inspired to start a blog by you and many of the other Must Follow Christian Wives on Pinterest. Pinterest for me is a place for both inspiration and devotion. Throughout the day I would find myself on there looking for encouragement and finding it from such wonderful ladies. However, it is easy to get “sucked in” to something. It is important to remember we have a home and a family to prioritize as our first ministry.

    Thanks a lot!


    1. Hey there! Yes- an AWESOME place for encouragement and inspiration. and YES on the prioritization. I really want to help people have a walk with God daily, not just on Sundays. Technology is a tool that can be wonderfully used to build our faith if we learn to use it appropriately! That’s what I want people to grasp by the time this series is completed. Hopped by your blog for a minute, Christia! Way to go! Thanks for your comment today.

  7. Rachel,
    I HIGHLY recommend “StickyJesus” for a great perspective on using the online spaces + social media to spread the message of the Kingdom. Easy read…powerful message…great practical tips!

    1. yes, I’ve read that book. Love the authors. Their emphasis is help you use social media and technology as outreach. Thanks so much for the mention!

  8. I’m not a good reader for one reason and the worse reason is I’m a TV addict. It’s so easy to turn on the TV and not have to think. It’s wrong and I want a close relationship with my Father.

    1. Oh Sharon! I’m so sorry that reading is difficult for you. Maybe we can find a solution that will help making the Bible easier to read for you! Bless you for desiring a close relationship with Him.

  9. Good questions to ask ourselves, Rachel. Over the past year and a half, I’ve found myself suddenly immersed in social media and technology. It’s been unsettling yet fascinating, and in some ways, exhilarating. Recently, I’ve finally given into mobile technology with the purchase of a tablet. I’m surprised how many wonderful uses I’m finding for it. However, in all of this, I’ve wavered between getting wrapped up in social media/tech and getting wrapped up in God. Wrapped up in God must always win–if not, we need to re-prioritize.

  10. Heather P says:

    It seems that once you are involved in playing the games on social media, it takes more time on there. I have found that to be true. However, My personal quiet time with God is always the first thing of the day. Not facebook or anything else. God first always!

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